How to properly care for your Fursuit :)
As a preface I have some tutorials on hand washing and using the bissel little green carpet cleaner (which is my preferred method of cleaning my suits)
On my youtube channel kitten cafe studios
In case you don’t have the bissel cleaner I’ll also go over handwashing and aftercare for your suit.
Any other questions not covered here can be directed to my Instagram @kittencafe.studios, my telegram @kittencafestudios or through email directly.
ALWAYS use cold water only.
DO NOT put into the dryer or use any sort of heat.
The heat will melt the fur and make it irreparable.
Washing with bissel little green
For hands, feet, tails, bodies etc, it’s the same.
One capful of woolite delicate into the water chamber on the machine. Then spray the mixture onto the suit, scrub with the brush and suck it out with the nozzle.
Empty the water chamber, rinse and fill with water again to rinse the suit until the water sucked out runs clear without suds.
For heads made before April 2023- always cover the eyes with paper towels. Gently ball them up and put into the eye holes to block water from entering them.
heads made post April 2023 the eyes are waterproof.
Then wash as normal above, but be sure to be gentle when scrubbing the face fur.
Washing by hand
For hands, feet, tails, bodies, etc
In a bucket fill with water and one capful of woolite delicate. Mix it around by hand to make sure the soap is distributed.
Take a cloth or rag to wash the parts with the soap mixture.
You can also use your fingers to gently scrub into the fur.
To rinse small parts may be submerged into clean water, make sure the water that comes out runs clear before setting to dry.
For heads, always cover the eyes as you would in the bissel instructions and wash gently as above with a cloth or rag.
DO NOT submerge the head to rinse if your head was made before April 2023.
You can use a clean cloth or rag to rinse the soap off the face.
Set the parts out in a place they won’t be disturbed for awhile. Ideally you’d want to put them near a cool fan or air vent if the air conditioning is on.
As they dry keep rotating the parts if they’re laying on the ground so all sides dry and brush gently with a slicker pet brush.
You can buy Fursuit brushes from sellers online such as Fursuit supplies and just fur kicks.
For bodies do not hang them until they stop dripping water! The weight will stretch the fur out.
If you washed and sucked the water out using the bissel your parts should be dry in 1-2 days, if you had washed they should dry within 3-6 days.
Always make sure the insides of any part are dry before storing to prevent mold.
Storage/ travel
The best way to store parts are hanging in a closet with the head out on a shelf if you have the room to do so.
Alternatively you can gently pack it all into a storage crate making sure the head is not being flattened. If you choose this method, roll the body suit instead of folding it to prevent creases.
For travel, the crate method is best or in a large suitcase.
Heads can be space bagged if they’re folded in half with the ears together and packed sideways into the bag. Do not space bag them for longer than a few hours though.
After suiting care
After each suiting outing you want to get a Fursuit spray (I suggest plushy dog on Etsy, but there are a ton of sellers who also sell sprays)
Spray it inside the head, feet, paws, and high friction areas on the body suit (armpits, back, crotch, etc) this will kill all germs and make your suit smell nice between washings.
Always brush your fur gently before and after suiting to prevent matting.
As a preface I have some tutorials on hand washing and using the bissel little green carpet cleaner (which is my preferred method of cleaning my suits)
On my youtube channel kitten cafe studios
In case you don’t have the bissel cleaner I’ll also go over handwashing and aftercare for your suit.
Any other questions not covered here can be directed to my Instagram @kittencafe.studios, my telegram @kittencafestudios or through email directly.
ALWAYS use cold water only.
DO NOT put into the dryer or use any sort of heat.
The heat will melt the fur and make it irreparable.
Washing with bissel little green
For hands, feet, tails, bodies etc, it’s the same.
One capful of woolite delicate into the water chamber on the machine. Then spray the mixture onto the suit, scrub with the brush and suck it out with the nozzle.
Empty the water chamber, rinse and fill with water again to rinse the suit until the water sucked out runs clear without suds.
For heads made before April 2023- always cover the eyes with paper towels. Gently ball them up and put into the eye holes to block water from entering them.
heads made post April 2023 the eyes are waterproof.
Then wash as normal above, but be sure to be gentle when scrubbing the face fur.
Washing by hand
For hands, feet, tails, bodies, etc
In a bucket fill with water and one capful of woolite delicate. Mix it around by hand to make sure the soap is distributed.
Take a cloth or rag to wash the parts with the soap mixture.
You can also use your fingers to gently scrub into the fur.
To rinse small parts may be submerged into clean water, make sure the water that comes out runs clear before setting to dry.
For heads, always cover the eyes as you would in the bissel instructions and wash gently as above with a cloth or rag.
DO NOT submerge the head to rinse if your head was made before April 2023.
You can use a clean cloth or rag to rinse the soap off the face.
Set the parts out in a place they won’t be disturbed for awhile. Ideally you’d want to put them near a cool fan or air vent if the air conditioning is on.
As they dry keep rotating the parts if they’re laying on the ground so all sides dry and brush gently with a slicker pet brush.
You can buy Fursuit brushes from sellers online such as Fursuit supplies and just fur kicks.
For bodies do not hang them until they stop dripping water! The weight will stretch the fur out.
If you washed and sucked the water out using the bissel your parts should be dry in 1-2 days, if you had washed they should dry within 3-6 days.
Always make sure the insides of any part are dry before storing to prevent mold.
Storage/ travel
The best way to store parts are hanging in a closet with the head out on a shelf if you have the room to do so.
Alternatively you can gently pack it all into a storage crate making sure the head is not being flattened. If you choose this method, roll the body suit instead of folding it to prevent creases.
For travel, the crate method is best or in a large suitcase.
Heads can be space bagged if they’re folded in half with the ears together and packed sideways into the bag. Do not space bag them for longer than a few hours though.
After suiting care
After each suiting outing you want to get a Fursuit spray (I suggest plushy dog on Etsy, but there are a ton of sellers who also sell sprays)
Spray it inside the head, feet, paws, and high friction areas on the body suit (armpits, back, crotch, etc) this will kill all germs and make your suit smell nice between washings.
Always brush your fur gently before and after suiting to prevent matting.